Who wants to read these notes?
1. the one who wants to learn algorithm;
2. the one who has a planned interview in a short amount of time, such as one month later;
3. purely out of curiosity;
4. all the rest.
The primary purpose for these posts is to help anyone who wants to learn algorithm in a short amount of time and be ready for coding interviews with tech companies, such as, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, etc.
Before you start, you are expected to already know:
1. the fundamentals of at least one programming language;
2. the fundamentals of data structures.
If you do not have these basics, it is better to "google and read" some intro docs, which should NOT take large amount of time. Of course, you can always learn whenever see a "unknown" data structure or line in the codes. Remember, "google and read" is always one of keys to learning.
Common algorithms:
1. Recursion
6. Backtracking
7. Graph
10. Brute Force
Some specific topics:
1. Sweep line
2. Segment tree
3. Union-Find
4. Rolling hash
Some data structures:
1. Stack
2. Trie
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