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Showing posts from September, 2022

Graph Question - Hard Level - Question 2

2392. Build a Matrix With Conditions You are given a positive integer k. You are also given: a 2D integer array rowConditions of size n where rowConditions[i] = [abovei, belowi], and a 2D integer array colConditions of size m where colConditions[i] = [lefti, righti]. The two arrays contain integers from 1 to k. You have to build a k x k matrix that contains each of the numbers from 1 to k exactly once. The remaining cells should have the value 0. The matrix should also satisfy the following conditions: The number abovei should appear in a row that is strictly above the row at which the number belowi appears for all i from 0 to n - 1. The number lefti should appear in a column that is strictly left of the column at which the number righti appears for all i from 0 to m - 1. Return any matrix that satisfies the conditions. If no answer exists, return an empty matrix. Constraints: 2 <= k <= 400 1 <= rowConditions.length, colConditions.length <= 10^4 rowConditions[i].length == c